Monday, December 21, 2009


I want to start this post off by thanking everyone who came out to the premiere and who has bought a copy of the video. I know its a few weeks later, but we kinda forgot the password for a minute there and have been busy with other things. We would all like to thank all the shops that are carrying the video and everyone who has helped make the video possible. Keep watching for updates as things start to take off again here in Michigan and Arizona. Here is an update from Mitch's blog Lords of Frog Town featuring Wade eating shit. Also check out Bryan Martínez B&W LURK PHOTOGRAPHY at NOUVELLE SKATEBOARD COLLECTIVE.

Wade in mono from Mitchel Streight on Vimeo.

To pick up a copy of the Video be sure to check out these shops
Cheap Skates

1 comment:

Peace Beast said...

long live robert and DSM